Descriptors of Life:Words

book imagewriter


by Okema  “Seven” Gunn

I cannot breathe without notebook and pen,
I hold my breath and count to ten,
I live to write, about simple things
The greatest joy that words can bring.

I wish I may, I wish I might
It is my gift. It is my right!

When I was young,
My first craze was to look upon a book and gaze.
I’ve been to cities in Senegal, China, Italy,
Belgium, Canada, Panama, and Belize;
Climbed mountains, swam oceans,
ran beaches to catch the breeze.

I write about film, and love and life,
I write about obstacles, hardships, and strife,
I’ll write about dogs, cats, fish and birds,
I’ll write about anything in other words…

I’m passionate with words I can declare!
A long-standing love….a great affair.
Unstoppable, Unshakeable, Unbreakable bond.
The Essence of the best….Yes! Beau monde.

While I boast of this kinship, fraternity…..this way.
This friendship is not to be taken lightly…
No not today!

I can never see a world without adverbs, adjectives, and nouns…
Descriptors of life…
Sight, smell, touch and sounds.
I fear that my books will suddenly disappear…
My old-school thinking tossed to the rear.

An uncertain future of computers and machines…
My words must connect with real people if ya know what I mean.
A new world emerges ….a strange embrace….Facebook, youtube, and Twitter
In yo’ face!

I’ll hold onto my books and my old way.
Handle with care. Mend pages and binding with fray.
I’ll smile and hug my old friends taking on the new.
I have to change, catchup. It’s all I can do!

Finally…I can vividly..remember when it first began
My love affair with words…
My right Hand man.



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